Gardeners Get Involved

Gardeners are natural givers

, because the garden teaches us the importance of giving.  When we give our plants compost, they thrive and produce.  When we give our bodies home grown foods, we thrive and are productive.  When we share all this productive health by giving the gift of

access to gardening 

to folks who wouldn’t otherwise have it, we share one of the most profoundly transformative gifts imaginable.  For many a gardener there’s almost no greater feeling then to share a skill, tool, piece of land, or even just a nice conversation that will help another gardener grow.  Minneapolis is a giving and green city.  As a gardener and volunteer, there’s never a shortage of great organizations here that I can get involved with in order to share the gifts gardening can give. 

Gardening Matters


a Minneapolis based non-profit agency has been busy organizing several social service providers city-wide in order to help them work together in the garden.  Many local agencies such as

Waite House


Homegrown Minneapolis

, and

Youth Farm and  Market Project

have been working to increase Minneapolis residents’ access to gardening for decades.  Gardening Matters plan is to link up all these great organizations along with local gardening volunteers and businesses to create Garden Resource Hubs that residents in need can access for garden classes and information, planting space and gardening resources. 

Gardening Matters is working with activists, businesses, and neighbors from across the city in order to have the resource hubs up and running by the spring of 2011.  


Resource Hubs are defined as“A collaboration of individuals and organizations are working together to develop neighborhood-based local food resource hubs that would support growing, selling and preserving of food by households, community gardeners, and urban farmers all within their community.”

The website states that the plan for this year includes these main focus areas:

  1. Serve as local points of distribution for physical resources
  2. Provide physical space for education classes
  3. Focus on building leadership capacity at the community level
  4. Develop a community network of gardeners and urban farmers that are able to support one another
  5. Build community connections

The organizing work that is currently underway is truly impressive.  Through the Garden Resource Hubs, Gardening Matters is encouraging folks to garden, and potentially improving the quality of life in Minneapolis for a very long time.

Stefan's Fantastic Farm

(This article was first written in 2011, since then Stefan has joined forces with farm partner, Mr. Michael Pursell and together they've more then tripled their urban farm vegetable production and sales.  -RH)

Stefan Meyer 

is one guy we could all learn a lot from.  As the driving force behind Minneapolis’ most ingenious new food production business,

Growing Lots Urban Farm,

Stefan is demonstrating for all of us the potential power held in the ground beneath our vacant urban lots. 

For the last few years, the city of Minneapolis has begun to take the importance of locally grown food seriously.  Through encouraging the growth of farmers markets, and official initiatives such as

Homegrown Minneapolis

, the city has sprouted seeds of change that should improve our health, habitat, and happiness as they grow.  As politicians congratulate themselves for being so wise and Earth-friendly, green thumbs

 around town welcome this emerging atmosphere of tolerance toward nature in a city where inspectors routinely cite and ticket residential gardens as “Overhanging Vegetation”, and until recently bees and chickens were illegal creatures. 

Now that the officials have decided we can go ahead and grow, smart folks like Stefan aren’t waiting around for them to change their minds.  Late last year Stefan got together with Redesign Inc. a local community development corporation that encourages all kinds of good green growth throughout Minneapolis.  With a little help from these folks, and a whole lot of hard work Stefan has pushed the way forward for the development of Minneapolis’ first parking lot-covering urban farm.  Where once was blacktop now tomatoes are growing!  This is just the type of change welcome in a city hungry for homegrown health.


It takes someone with a great imagination to look at a barren blacktop lot and visualize a verdant veggie patch.  I guess you could also say that anyone who thinks it’s a fun idea to turn a parking lot into a production farm is in no way afraid of hard work. A hardy work ethic and a bold imagination are two traits that seem to have helped Stefan Meyer’s city farming dreams come true. 

What I see as I approach Growing Lots Urban Farm is astounding to my gardening sensibilities.  I happen to know that due to concern over land use Stefan had to delay installation plans of not only his garden plants, but also all the soil for the garden until the end of June.  For a garden that was built from the very ground up starting so late in the season, his results are more lush and fruitful then many gardens planted in May. 


Stefan says that one of the secrets to his success is the soil mix.  He worked with local businessman Peter Kern from Kern Landscaping in St. Paul to develop a mix that could not only sit on top of a thin landscaping fabric covering a parking surface, but could also pack enough fertility in only a foot of depth to make the garden plants happy and healthy.  Stefan says that if he had a growing space that he could use for longer then a year or two, he would have worked the soil in a moderately different way.  More akin to the style of legendary urban farmer Will Allen’s Growing Power planting method where blacktop is first covered with wood chips to create a barrier between the soil and the pavement that prevents roots from reaching the blacktop.


The late start to this season as well as a decidedly uncertain potential for next season’s farm are both a result of what Stefan describes as the biggest challenge in creating an urban farm, land availability.  While small lots can provide a decent living for farmers employing bio-intensive farming methods such as deep composting, companion planting, and the use of beneficial organisms, city land prices even for modest sized lots are unattainably high for almost any farmers’ budget.  It seems that if cities are to take seriously the prospect of raising a large amount of food within city limits, state and local governments need to start subsidizing land costs for local and urban farmers instead of big box stores and stadiums.

Land availability is just one of the many challenges to having a successful urban farm.  I’m sure most folks familiar with gardening in the city would be surprised to find that anything other then squirrels could present a greater challenge to an urban farmer, but rest assured, Stefan says squirrels are a close second on the list of challenges.  Apparently squirrels are crazy for melons.  


Having his entire melon crop decimated was enough to make Stefan consider drastic action.  I recommended getting young cats.  I’ve had farm kittens that get transplanted and raised in the city work wonders at keeping squirrels, rabbits, and other urban vermin at bay.  Of course Stefan’s farm isn’t right next to his house so the best options for now may be to attract a pride of strays or get some live traps set up and take his squirrels across the river to St. Paul like everyone else who catches squirrels in Minneapolis does.


Despite these challenges, Growing Lots is growing lots!  The tomatoes and cucumbers are just starting to come in by the basketful while beets, chard, kale, basil, and salad greens have been producing practically since going in the ground.  Stefan’s produce is sold before it’s even grown as he’s set his farm up in the community supported agriculture or CSA model.  This season he’s delivering produce boxes on a biweekly basis to 7 lucky share purchasers who are treated to a wide variety of seasonally changing produce.  If given a permanent site Stefan says he’d like to offer up to 100 shares in his farm and build much further complexity into the farm and it’s offerings. 


Tomatoes ripening on the vine, bumble bees buzzing everywhere, and dragonflies zooming by overhead with downtown standing in the background, all of these are signs of success for an urban farmer like Stefan.  It strikes me that perhaps Stefan’s biggest success this season though is in his creation of a fine example that we can all be inspired by. 

“Heat exhaustion can sneak up on you in a parking lot!”  Stefan laughs as he explains while we tour through his first season’s bountiful beds.  “I guess working 12 hours straight in a 102 degree parking lot can really take its toll.”  While I’m not sure that most folks I know would live to laugh off a workday such as this, Stefan’s southern Minnesota farm raised smile doesn’t fade as he tells me that he decided he had better have half a day off after that one. 


Thanks to Stefan’s dedicated work and undaunted imagination, folks in Minneapolis can clearly see that growing lots of food in the city is not only possible, but it’s also beautiful, fun, and good for us all. 

Butterfly Gardening

Why do we love butterflies so much?  

Is it the beauty and freedom that define their days?  Is it the transformative potential of the


that attracts us?  After all, butterflies are just bugs too, right?  How is it that we save so much room in our hearts for one bug and have entire industries devoted to the extermination of other bugs?  

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Whatever butterflies are doing that strikes our imaginations and warms our hearts, they seem to be doing it better then any other insect around.  While the dragonfly can impresses us with speed, agility, and grace, the butterflies’ lackadaisical charm flutters ever deeper into our hearts.  While the honey bees work day and night to serve our human purposes, so many people react to their little striped suits with sheer panic, but come the lazy butterfly hopping around on the breeze and people everywhere stop to smile. 

It’s high time we humans started devoting more space to the other creatures we share this planet with, and our collective love of butterflies can guide the way towards a healthy habitat for us all.

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."~Hans Christian Anderson

The Butterfly Effect

Tiny actions can have huge effects on complex systems.  The butterfly effect is a theory used by 

scientists and storytellers alike to explain the notion that even seemingly insignificant actions can have a huge impact over time. With this in mind I like to ask myself a seemingly tiny question.  

What is the effect of my life on the Earth’s living systems?  The size of this question however should not be judged by the number of words it takes to ask, but by the millennia it takes to answer.

Our daily decisions have impacts far beyond our capacity to understand. 

Monarchs below and Western Tiger Swallowtail above feast on the 

nectar of summer blooming native perennial plants.  Butterfly gardening grows beauty and environmental health. I like to plant a few deeply rooted butterfly attracting native plants in amongst my vegetable gardens.  Not only are my vegetable crops helped when the perennial roots draw moisture from deep in the ground during the heat of the summer, but the butterflies are happy to see the free food I've grown them, and I'm happy to see the butterflies!

Butterfly Gardening Basics

Simply put, if you want to see butterflies, plant native flowers.  The most inviting homes for butterflies will have different types of native flowers that bloom and provide nectar all through the growing season.  To ensure your yard has more butterflies then the Jones’s next door, also plant some caterpillar host plants.  One classic example of a caterpillar host plant is

common milkweed

, which hosts

monarch butterflies

and seems to grow as freely as the butterfly it hosts.  If monarchs are your goal, make sure you also plant

meadow blazingstar

, no other nectar-bearing bloomer can make the monarchs line up like this form of Liatris.  Monarchs are also strongly attracted to other forms of



black eyed susans



, and


Why stop at monarchs though when there’s so many wonderful little butterflies out there to see.  Variety is the spice of life, and the more types of native plants you have in your yard, the more likely you’ll see rare forms of butterfly.  Caterpillar host plants include: Artemisia, which is preferred by Painted Ladycaterpillars, Hackberry treeswhich host many creatures including the American Snoutand Tawny Emperorcaterpillars while Violets,Purslane, and Sedumwhich will host the lovely Variegated Fritillary.   

Many butterflies will have widely varying food sources.  Much more then nectar passes the pointed proboscis of our protagonist.  Various butterflies will eat everything from leaves and rotting fruit to dead animals and dung.  The greater the variety of native plants you grow including trees, shrubs, blooming perennials and ground covers, the more diverse will be your yards selections of foods, and the more the butterflies will flutter by.  

A butterflies' beauty is bold and obvious, while other garden bugs may appear to human sensibilities as creepy or scary.  However, even the creepy bugs play an important part in our lives.

We like the butterflies, are all connected to, and reliant on a living planetary system stocked full of a huge variety of bugs.  In order to protect one type of insect like the butterfly, we must protect all of the other insects, plants, and animals that live in and create the butterflies ecosystem.

Hints for Butterfly Beginners:

1. Good plants from good sources.

Locally, the best butterfly plant selections are sold at 3 garden stores. Visit all three, they each have different selections and really cool gardeners on staff. 

Landscape Alternatives

, and

Outback Nursery

are my top stops for butterfly garden plants.  Roy at Landscape Alternatives is especially knowledgeable about local butterfly plant selections. 

2.  Good dirt makes good gardens.

Ignore the silly rumors that native plants like “starved” soil.  I don’t have any idea where or how this rumor got started, but it’s a downright lie.  The meadow, prairie, and woodland soils from this region, are some of the richest soils I’ve ever encountered and I’ve checked out dirt around the world.  If you want success with your new butterfly garden, before you plant, remove any sod, wood mulch, landscaping fabric, or other impediment to growth, and lay down at least 6 inches of fresh compost (not bagged, never trust a dirt bag), after laying down the compost turn it into the soil with a shovel leaving large chunks of the soil undisturbed.  After the compost has been incorporated into the soil, simply cover with more compost till the surface of the garden is smooth and then plant away till your garden is full and your heart is content. 

3.  Cover The Ground In Green.

I call this notion “living mulch”.  Not only will this practice keep more moisture in your soil, but by shading the ground, it will help ensure that you are packing your space with plenty of plant diversity.  Lawn grass doesn’t count.  Sod grass lawns provide habitat for neither butterfly, nor bird, nor beast.  When designing your yard, plan for as little lawn, and as much garden as possible.  If you make the flowers happy, you’ll make the butterflies ecstatic!

4.   Grow Many Layers of Canopy.

When we build habitat, it’s good to let nature be our guide.  Before the Twin Cities existed in this area, there was forest.  When we wish to heal the land locally, we need only help recreate the forest.  Native trees and shrubs should be included in the plan for any well landscaped twin cities yard.  I like to plant meadow plants around and underneath newly establishing trees.  Meadows are what the forest uses to recreate itself and fill in the gaps after windfalls and forest fires.  Think of our city building and farming practices as being as destructive to the local forests as a fire or tornado, then you can begin to see the amazing amount of repair we need to create in our environment before it will be healthy again.

5.   Never Use Pesticides or Chemical Fertilizers.

Butterflies are delicate, and we aren’t all that much tougher then them. It doesn’t take much to upset the balance of health in any ecosystem. We’ve already discussed how tiny decisions have big impacts, and this is certainly the case here.  

The gentle breeze blown by the beating wings of a butterfly in your back yard could just be the catalyst for the creation of a current of cultural change in America.  Life is funny like that.  Little actions in one place can have huge impacts in seemingly unrelated, far away places. A friend of mine once said to me of butterflies “they should be called flutter-byes, that’s what they do”.  I couldn’t agree more.  Now is the best time to plan a butterfly garden, before the growing season flutters by.

Eat Your Weedies


said it best,

“A weed is a flower too, once you get to know it.”

The dandelion for instance.  How many of us are completely unaware of the untamed beauty of this plant? 

Providing free nourishing food, and medicine for passers by, offering soil fertility, and perfect plant companionship for tomatoes and other shallow rooted crops, and all of this in a form that is simple, ruggedly beautiful, and completely unstoppable.  


Nature utilizes weeds to perform functions that are often beyond our capacity to easily grasp.  In an abandoned lot for instance, our hero the dandelion will drive roots into the earth allowing minerals and nutrients from deep in the ground to be accessed by other shallow rooted plants.  The channels made in the ground by dandelions roots also help drive water and air downward increasing the overall capacity for root depth and allowing water to enter the water table instead of rushing off to damage local creeks, rivers, or lakes.

Let's all yank from the root the damaging notion that some plants are evil.  Instead let's see beauty, life, and nourishment wherever we can.

Dandelion, (Taraxacum)


If you were offered a hardy perennial plant that bloomed all season, was entirely edible, could be used for medicine, helped shallow rooted crops like tomatoes grow stronger, and provided habitat for bees and butterflies would you think I was crazy for even suggesting that such a plant exists?  Sure you would if you were unaware of the amazing super powers of the Dandelion.

Now the English name dandelion is a corruption of the French dent de lion meaning "lion's tooth", referring to the coarsely toothed leaves.  The shape of the leaf is hardly the most notable part of this plant.  I’d have to agree that taraxacum is a lion among plants, but given all this plant offers the world I think it’s time for a new name.  Terrific-lion seems much better suited then dandelion ever was.

Terrific-lion grows everywhere, the leaves are yummy and full of vitamins A, C, and K.  The root makes a tea that can help with liver detoxification.

Creeping Charlie, (Glechoma hederacea)


Speaking of poorly named plants…. wow, I sure don’t think I’d want to meet anyone whose nickname was creeping charlie, but then sometimes when we get to know a person we realize that our ideas about who they are don’t always match reality.  Such is the case with dear charlie.

Europeans who traditionally used it as food and medicine imported creeping charlie to America.  In days of old, people would eat the plant fresh and cooked and put it to use also as a flavoring and clarifying agent in beer.

Lately, while speaking with a landscaping client who happens to be one of the world’s foremost experts on herbal treatments for autism in children, I was amazed to learn about the magic, magnetic nature of plants and people.

The swing set in my clients’ back yard is the preferred hang out for her young daughter who due in part to high mercury content in her blood lives with the effects of autism.  As an herbalist, my client, Lise Wolf, had been introduced to the notion that plants are attracted to those creatures that they can help heal and nurture.  One day Lise noticed an interesting phenomenon.  The creeping charlie in her back lawn was growing from all directions toward her daughter’s swing set.  The growth pattern was so pronounced that the creeping charlie was actually climbing the supports of the swing set in lieu the rest of her yard.  As soon as she noticed this pattern the herbalist in her took over and she set to researching the association between creeping charlie and heavy metals in the blood.  What she found was inspiring.

Creeping charlie  has been used since the introduction of lead based paints in Europe to treat what was known as “painter’s colic”, or lead poisoning, and modern herbalists swear by it’s use for treating heavy metal poisoning.  Since finding this information Lise has been using dear old creeping charlie to effectively reduce mercury levels in her daughter and the other kids she helps.

Charlie should also not be discounted as an important pollinator food source.  During the spring and summer, an organic lawn covered in creeping charlie and white clover is a foraging bee and butterfly buffet.

So while charlie does creep his way through the garden, his popular nickname would tend to leave a gardener feeling creeped out, and given how terrific Charlie is, I say it’s time we give this fine friend a new nickname.  Good Time Charlie used to make us sing the garden blues, but now that he’s better understood I’m sure we’ll all be singing a different tune.


Lamb's Quarters (Chenopodim album)

Grows like crazy, and tastes like spinach.  These are the outstanding traits of lamb’s quarters.  The list of minerals and nutrients available from lamb’s quarters are almost as long as it’s list of common names.  Aside from Lamb's quarters, this plant is known world wide as every thing from goosefoot, fat-hen, nickel greens, and pigweed, to the nicknames, which denote it’s preference for compost piles, dungweed, and my personal favorite, dirty dick.

While the nickname dirty dick works wonders at wiggling the giggle out of folks, it only tells half the story.  This plant is nutritious, and that’s not dirty, that’s delicious!  Delicious Dick is the new nickname for this strong, upright, freely seeding weed.  You’ll find new dinner delights with Delicious Dick in your dish!


Terrific-lions, Good Time Charlie, and Delicious Dick are all right outside your door!  A buffet of heroic plants ready to please your pallet, and these three are just the beginning.  Wood Sorrel, Burdock, Chickweed, Violets, Daylillies, Garlic Mustard, Milk Thistle, Plantain, Purslain, and Nettle are a few of the other heroes of health that grow freely all around us here in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Worms Go To School

Worms eat our food scraps and leave compost in the soil.  Compost feeds the plants and the plants feed us.  This winter the pre-schoolers at Anishinabe Academy in South Minneapolis are learning how this simple and respectful cycle works by growing worms fed with the kids own food scraps right in their classroom.  While children at Anishinabe are learning in class about worms, soil, seeds, plants, food, and health, a team of energized, organized grown-ups from the school and community are learning how to grow opportunities for the kids to get their hands dirty in the garden.

I’m not sure if worms can smile, but I smile when I think about kids learning how to empower their health, respect their environment, and sustain their culture. 

Recently Jonathan Beutler, a community educator and worm grower offered to work with Russ Henry of Giving Tree Gardens and teachers from Anishinabe Acadamy, to facilitate worm bin classes and equipped the classrooms with all the knowledge and gear they will need to keep on growing worms and soil from food scraps all year long.


Allies come in all different shapes and sizes, so please don’t judge a worm by it’s squirm

Worms are easy!  Here’s a few do’s and don’ts:

DO use 2 opaque bins stacked inside each other with lots of air holes drilled through the inside bin and the lid.

DOuse shredded leaves for worm bin medium, wet your medium with lukewarm water till it’s damp, not soaked.

DO use a little sand (worms don’t have teeth and use the grit to help them digest)

DO Feed The Worms!  Red Wigglers like to eat a variety of foods including but not limited to: leafy greens, potatoes, banana peels, coffee grounds, egg shells, leaves and trimmings, tea bags, cereal, and grains.

DO tuck the worm food under the soil, the worms like to live in the dark and this also helps keep any smells down


Don’t drown your worms, they like a moist but not soaked medium,

Don’t have a stinky bin, keep out dairy or meat!

When your worm bin gets ½ full of compost, remove the compost by screening out the worms orsimply scoop all worm laden compost over to one side of the bin.  On the other side make up some new medium with sand and food scraps, most of your worms will find their way over to the new medium within a couple of days.  After you’ve got the compost mostly worm free, go feed the plants! Don’t put a lot of citrus in the bin, this may make the bin too acidic for the worms

Compost, It's Hot!

These days it seems folks all around me are taking bold strides to “green up” their everyday lives.  Whether we’re motivated to reclaim our health from the abominable agriculture and healthcare industries, or take back our wealth from the robber barons of the big energy companies, all of us are awakening to the idea that it’s time we followed that sage bumper sticker advice and remember how to "live simply so that we may all simply live". 

Composting is one of the simplest things that I’ve ever learned.  As a designer of Earth friendly landscapes and organic gardens, part of my job is to help folks implement changes right outside their doors that positively impact the entire global ecosystem.  I routinely testify that there is no greater teacher of natural methods then nature itself.  

So what does nature tell us about compost? 

In nature there is no waste.  Any creature lucky enough to emerge from the muck is quickly turned back into muck upon death, at which point another creature feeds on the muck created by the first creature. When we compost we pay direct homage to this ancient cycle, and our gardens display the rewards of this environmentally respectful approach.  What I’m getting at here is that nature shows us that compost grows great plants.  Compost has always been the only sustainable means of creating fertility in soil.

Okay so enough about why we should compost, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

First of all, I’m through with black plastic compost bins. Ineffective, ugly, and misleading to folks, these bins are ridiculous.  We already know that the act of composting at home is a way of copying nature.  Ask yourself, when was the last time you found a black plastic compost bin on the prairie, or in the woods, or wetlands?  Compost happens in nature completely unaided and unhindered by plastic bins.  Instead all the parts of the trees, and plants grow up and then periodically or seasonally die off to fall loosely across an open area where the rain soaks the leaves, and the wind and animals stir the whole thing up.  After a good sit on the floor of the forest or prairie, a dead leaf or fallen apple becomes soil.  At home we copy this process, in an open air compost bin or compost pile we mix together our kitchen waste such as fruits and vegetables, coffee, egg shells, grains, and bread, with our yard waste such as leaves and grass cuttings.

This edition of The Seed is dedicated to the hundreds of folks who've asked me how they can make a functional, affordable, and aesthetically pleasing compost system at home.  Giving Tree

is proud to have partnered with another green thinker,

Margaret Wilke

to bring you a great gardeners thoughts on growing garden gold from garbage!

Garden How To :

home composting made easy

When attempting to adapt open air composting to the urban environment a little experienced advice can be handy.  I always describe the best urban composting system as the 4-Bin system that I learned from my friend

Margaret Wilke

.  Simply make 4 bins that are at least 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep each.  The bins should be made out of whatever re-usable construction materials you have around.  I love to use chicken wire and stakes because they’re cheap and breathable.  Make sure the sides of your bins allow for a lot of air flow, so if you make your bins out of wood leave a few inches of space between each board.  Situate your bins in a location that is easily accessible so you don’t feel like you’re going for a hike each time you bring a bucket of kitchen scraps out.

  If you are worried about ill-tempered neighbors or city inspectors, you could always plant raspberry bushes along the sides of your bins.  That way the bins will be disguised and you’ll have a peace offering to share with any disgruntled passers by.  Using your 4-bin system should look a little something like this:

Bin 1:

  This is a storage space for yard waste.

Bin 2

:  Whenever I’ve collected enough food waste in my kitchen scrap bucket I empty the bucket into Bin 2 and then I layer on a healthy dose of yard waste from Bin 1.

Bin 3

:  After Bin 2 is full, I move all of its contents into Bin 3.

Bin 4

:  After Bin 3 is full, I move all of its contents into Bin 4.

By the time you’ve layered and then moved your compostables from bin to bin a few times you’ve got yourself some real garden gold.  Feed your new plantings plenty of this fine homemade magic and watch them grow healthy and bountiful.  Give the entire garden a 2-inch layer of compost each spring in order to ensure a full season of growth.

Margaret talks compost


stands beside the compost system that she's been faithfully using for more then 20 years in the picture below.  Composting is one of Margaret's passions, and her wisdom rubs off on anyone who visits her gardens!

"Composting is one of my passions.

  I think it is because it is a kind of alchemy.  You can turn things that people normally throw away into GOLD!  Well, not real gold, but something as valuable as gold to anyone who gardens.  You would have to pay a lot of money to get the kind of enrichment for your soil that organic compost gives you, and my bet is it wouldn’t be as good, either for the garden or for the environment.

It all starts in the kitchen.

  We keep an old ice cream bucket with a lid handy in the kitchen sink. Everything that is plant based, that normally would go into the trash, winds up in the bucket instead.  Even with just two of us these days, my husband and I, we often have a bucket or more of material to take out to the compost heap every day, especially in the summer.  It makes us very aware of how much we are dependent on the products from the earth for our health and well being.  Food comes from somewhere, and it’s not the grocery store!  And plant material needs to go back into the garden to complete the God-given natural cycle that sustains life.

We compost as long as we can into the fall, and begin again in the spring as soon as there are any days above freezing. Actually, I should rephrase that. I compost as long as I can into the fall, and begin again in the spring as soon as there are any days above freezing. My husband just puts up with me.

Here’s what goes into the bucket from the kitchen:

All vegetable and fruit trimmings, skins, seeds, stems, leaves, etc.

Coffee grounds (very key because they have nitrogen that helps the compost “cook”)

Tea bags

Egg shells

Left over / day old / moldy bread products (no butter please!)

My family knows that Mom will have a fit if she finds a banana peel in the kitchen trashcan. Roses love bananas.

We add this kitchen mix to the compost pile daily and ALWAYS cover it with dry leaves or fresh green material such as garden trimmings and grass clippings (IF they are chemical free). It is amazing how fast those banana peels, potato skins, and broccoli stems break down and become completely unrecognizable! Eggshells take longer, so I generally try to break them up before putting them in the pile. If there hasn’t been rain for a while I occasionally water down the piles, but not very often. Once in a while I shovel some partially finished compost and/or garden soil over the top of everything to give it the microbes it needs to break down. That also ensures there are no odors from the pile for neighbors to complain about. Keeping the fresh additions from the kitchen COVERED is key to having an odor free pile. It keeps inquiring animals at bay as well. Also you won’t attract flies or bees when the fresh stuff is kept adequately covered.

Above, the compost process begins in earnest when kitchen scraps are mixed with yard waste in Bin # 1

A mix of green(kitchen waste) and brown (yard waste) materials is ideal. I use everything from the garden EXCEPT weeds with seeds. I have learned the hard way that weed seeds will make it through most backyard composting systems. These piles are not usually large enough to generate the high heat needed to kill weed seeds. I am also very careful about which spent flowers with seeds I put into my compost piles as well. Your garden will be entirely black-eyed susans, for example, or purple coneflowers if you put the flower heads with these seeds into your compost. I generally cut off the flower heads and then throw the stems and leaves into the compost. Otherwise I just pull up over-zealous plants when they’ve finished blooming and pile them in a dark corner under the evergreens in the back of the yard where they are out of sight. There they break down but don’t get enough light for the seeds to germinate.

Bins number 2 and 3 show us the various stages of waste becoming soil.  Bin number 3 below is full of healthy happy compost just waiting to spread its organic fertile magic!

As for brown material, hay without seeds will work, but is expensive. I have sometimes used oat straw that has seeds in it, the kind used for Halloween decorations, particularly if someone gives it to me free. If I’m sure the pile will be completely composted, then I feel okay about adding it to the compost pile. The sprouts of oat seeds from the straw are easily identifiable and pull up readily if a few of them make it through the composting process. But, I wouldn’t want them all over the garden, so I don’t use oat straw as mulch.

Once a summer I do a major turning of the piles. This is when a strong husband comes in handy. But I have done it myself, it just takes a little longer, since I have to do it a bit at a time, not all at once as hubby prefers (“Let’s just get it over with!”)

Margaret's compost system is the most functional home composting method that I've ever seen.  Notice how the posts are all slotted which makes moving and scooping the pile very easy.

Making compost in Minnesota has the advantage of the freeze / thaw process that helps break down organic matter without any help from you at all. It takes about a full season to make really good compost. Once you have the cycle started you can easily keep it going and will be supplied with compost pretty much throughout the growing season.

I have three compost bins that my husband built for me at least 20 years ago. They are about 4 feet across and 5' deep. They stand side by side with removable boards in the front of each bin, and also between the bins so that turning material from one bin to the next is not too difficult. I always keep fresh material separated from the 1/2 completed compost, and from the aged compost, so three bins are needed.

Once a bin is emptied by using the compost for potting-up spring plants or spreading it on the gardens, I turn the next most finished compost into it. This aerates the pile and gets it cooking. Then I turn the least finished compost into the just emptied bin and start a new pile. Composting fits naturally into the cycle of growing and life in the garden.

Try it you’ll like it!"

From the kitchen to the garden and back to the kitchen, Margaret's compost system is easy to build, fun to use, and it makes the best dirt around, just have a look at

Margaret's gardens

to see for yourself!

Kids Grow Justice

In our fair cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the gap between the haves and have-nots is so striking that it can literally be tasted. The difference in food selection and availability between low-income neighborhoods and wealthy neighborhoods is painfully obvious. In this world, far to few folks acknowledge that access to healthy foods is a basic human right.

Now's the time for us to stand up together and work for a better future, where healthy food is available and accessible to everyone.

Food Justice

When we give our bodies good food, we feel good.  When we feel good inside it shows on the outside.  Folks who feel healthy have less stress and more freedom.


Without good food, our bodies suffer.  Near term problems like belly aches and low energy become long term health threats such as diabetes and heart disease after years of eating nutritionally valueless food on a regular basis.

When whole neighborhoods are starved of decent, healthy food, the entire community is damaged in an ongoing and self-perpetuating way.  Parents who themselves were raised on convenience store food in-turn feed their kids the same processed foods.  Communities routinely loose wealth due to health care costs that are crushing to the personal finances of their under-nourished unhealthy residents.   These communities can get caught in a downward spiral of community destruction, after all if you can’t afford your health care bills, how could you possibly afford healthy food, and without healthy food, how could you possibly avoid health care costs?


Walking through the convenience store isles in any low-income neighborhood in the city will quickly prove the point.  Rarely are fresh vegetables to be found in these types of stores, and the bulk of the products on the shelf contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.  When taken into account the fact that for many low-income families the neighborhood convenience store is the only accessible or affordable food source, a vast injustice becomes obvious.  The low-income folks in Minneapolis and St. Paul have a severe lack of access to something that should be the right of all folks everywhere, the human right to healthy food.


Ryan Broden (a.k.a.) Brody, is the Academic Enrichment Coordinator at Little Earth of United Tribes, an American Indian community in South Minneapolis.   Brody works with the youth who live at Little Earth, tutoring, organizing activities, and developing positive relationships with the kids who stop by the Ed Center to hang out.

Brody invited Giving Tree to come in and get directly involved with his program and the youth clients he serves.  Together we began planning and planting gardens with the kids.

Sometimes we have to remind grown ups that gardening is supposed to be fun, but these kids needed no coaching to find the fun in getting their hands dirty. We planted 3 gardens together throughout the growing season.  First we planted a traditional native food garden consisting of what are known as the three sisters: corn, beans, and squash.   Next we added compost and butterfly attracting native prairie plants to the grassy garden growing in front of the Little Earth Ed Center.


Soon after these projects were completed we organized a composting project with donations of food waste and wood chips from local businesses.   After a day of making compost bins with the kids, it started to rain and we went inside to cook up a healthy stew.

The staff at Little Earth has worked diligently over the past few months not only on the potential for growing good food, but a strong contingent of impassioned employees have organized to grow awareness of the impact of diet on health within Little Earth.


The work of this team of healthy eating activists has begun to drive up the demand for healthy food choices within the community.

With all of this energy infused into the process, the final garden project of the season took on a new life as our largest group of kids yet came out to turn compost into the earth, and plant seeds in the ground this fall for next spring's harvest.

Fermenting the Harvest!

Organic gardeners are health conscious folks, and there's no more healthy a way to preserve your bumper crops then through the use of fermentation! Giving Tree Gardens would like to empower folks everywhere to take their health into their own hands, through the magic of vegetable fermentation - an ancient human cultural tradition.

Fermenting With Wild Abandon!

Cabbage is our friend.  The cabbage plant is a cultivar of the wild mustard green.  Cabbage and all of it’s Brassicaceae family relatives including kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collard greens, brussel sprouts, turnip, radish, rutabaga, bok choy, broccoli, and more all have growing on their surface a bacteria called lactobacillus plantarum.  This beneficial organism is exactly the right microbe to help the human body digest and get the most nutrition from our foods.  Lactobacillus is responsible as well for the tangy unique taste that sauerkraut and kimchi offer.  So our friend the cabbage, and all of it’s relatives, freely offer us all of their delicious healthy nutrition, that's what I call POWER KRAUT!


Of course any northern gardener whose grown kales, or cabbages knows these beauties keep growing strong well past frost.  The fact that these amazing plants are able to feed us through the cold weather in both fresh and fermented forms make the brassicaceae family of plants a natural companion of humankind.

Kimchi For a Better Tomorrow

Listed by Health Magazine as one of the top 5 most healthy foods in the world, kimchi is an easy to make human-health-aid.  A traditional Korean ferment, kimchi is an extremely adaptable recipe.  The recipe that I present below is one of my favorite flavors of kimchi but it is very important to note that kimchi is best made from whatever your personal favorite vegetables and spices happen to be.


5 pounds of your favorite vegetables


(I often use green and red cabbage, carrots, and kohlrabi)

1-2 big onions

4-5 chili (or your favorite flavor of) peppers

3-4 cloves of garlic

6 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger

3 tablespoons of sea salt



Chop your vegetables to whatever texture you prefer.  I like to chop them to into fairly thin slices. Place the chopped veggies in a mixing bowl and mash them together with salt.  By mash I mean that you need to break up the cell walls of the vegetables so as to begin to squeeze out the vegetables natural juices therefore forming a brine.  I use my hands to squeeze the veggies, or sometimes I use an empty jar to smash and squish them.  Once you can begin to see juices squeezing out of your veggies, set them aside for a moment.


Now it’s time to spice things up.

Make sure you’re using fresh spices and not any pre-chopped or prepared spice mixes as these often contain anti bacterial agents that could harm


the beneficial microbes that form our ferment.  Next you’ll want to shred your spices together.  I use a food processor as these powerful spices make me cry when I shred them by hand.  Blend up the onions, peppers, garlic, and ginger together. 


If you're starting to fear that this is going to be way too spicy of a dish, consider that the hot spicy flavors we’re adding here will mellow and become much more tame as fermentation occurs.  I’ll often add horseradish root, and more types of peppers to the spice list, really it’s hard to over-spice kimchi. 

Once you’ve ground up your tear inducing spices, you’ll mix them together with the juicy vegetables, and then it’s time to pack them in a jar or vessel.


Potential vessels for your kimchi include: glass jars, ceramic containers, and in a pinch you can use plastic containers.  Never store your ferments in metal containers as the metal will cause chemical changes to your brine that will ruin your kraut.  The best container will fit the amount of kimchi that you produce without much room left over.  I’ll often use a variety of small jars to accommodate a large kimchi production.

Once your vessels are chosen, you need to begin to tightly pack the kimchi into your jars so that the veggies become submerged under the salty brine.  Push the kimchi down firmly into your vessel with your fingers or an empty jar until the jar is almost full, and a layer of brine covers the vegetables.

Covering your jar can be accomplished in a number of ways.  You can use a cloth covering held with a rubber band, or I prefer to use a plastic or metal lid that fits the container.


Now that your kimchi is packed tightly into a covered lid, find a home for it in your kitchen.  I put mine on top of the fridge because this provides a nice evenly warm temperature.  You may want to choose a more in the way sort of spot for your first kimchi’s as fermenting kimchi requires some attention and maintenance.

No matter where you place your filled kimchi vessel, you’ll want to check on it daily for the first couple weeks.  Once a day take the lid off of your vessel.  If you choose a tight fitting lid, you’ll notice air pressure release out of the jar when you twist it open.  This is from gas that is naturally released during fermentation.  As the gas forms in your ferment, air spaces will develop throughout the jar.  Each time you check on your kimchi, you’ll want to squish the veggies back down until they are once again covered in brine.


After only 3 days of fermenting, your kimchi will begin to develop a tangy flavor.  This unique taste will let you know that your kimchi is ready to start eating.  Taste your new ferment on a daily basis each time you check in on it.  I’ll sometimes allow ferments to sit on top of the fridge for a few months, all the while I’m tasting the different stages of growth that occur as the microbes develop in my jars and making sure to squish the kraut as needed to keep it submerged under brine.  As soon as the flavor strikes my fancy, I’ll put the kimchi jar into the fridge to slow down the fermentation process and preserve the flavor that I’m enjoying.

Flavor, sustenance, and health are a few of the benefits everyone can reap from fermenting their own foods.  When folks decide to grow their own healthy foods, and share their recipes freely, the entire human culture benefits.  With all the hoopla in this country surrounding health care reform, it’s high time we all became empowered to make ourselves healthier, stronger, and more independent.  Kimchi, kraut, and all your favorite garden ferments are an easy, effective way of growing our own health, on our own terms.

Salad Bowl Garden

Early this spring while the snow was still melting, I noticed how the water pooled in a low spot in my lawn. A large puddle formed that thawed to a thick slushy consistency during the day and froze into a chunky icy mess each night. One night while walking to the garage, I slipped and had a close call with the ground, and it was right about then that my determination grew some roots. I decided that as soon as the thaw was over and the ground was workable, I’d set out to reshape the land in my backyard to accommodate and work with the available melt and rainwater.

Folks all around are digging rain gardens these days. Not only can we use rain-gardens to filter the water run-off from our properties, but when we use native plants in our rain-gardens we can create bird and butterfly habitat in our own back yards. As I sat inside the warm house rubbing my bruised knee and plotting against that slippery back yard mess, the thought occurred to me that if I was going to go to the trouble of making a rain-garden habitat for the birds in my back yard, I might as well go ahead and make some habitat for my family and myself as well. After all food plants tend to require a lot of water, and so I thought why not feed two birds with one hand and stock a rain-garden with my favorite edible plants. Seeing this garden take shape in my minds eye, suddenly I realized what it was I was about to create.


The salad bowl garden slices and dices a few basic gardening concepts and tosses these together with some spicy gardening techniques to create the yummiest garden you’ve ever grown.  Rainwater conservation, habitat creation, and food production are a few of the key ingredients for any earth friendly yard.  When these concepts are combined with the use of seed balls, living mulch, and plenty of compost, the salad bowl garden begins to take shape.


In my yard choosing the right place for the salad bowl garden was the easy job, on one end of the yard, the pooling water showed me a natural low spot, and on the other end of the yard, a drain spout comes down off my roof and spills storm water out on the lawn.    With the help of some dedicated friends, we first removed the sod, we then simply dug out the low spot a little further and drove a trench through the earth from the low spot to the drain spout.  As we dug away creating a low trench through the yard, all the excavated soil was place along the sides of the trench thus creating a swale with tall, sloped sides.  We excavated the low areas a little deeper then they’d need to be so that we could layer six inches of compost over the whole space to create a rapidly draining and fast growing garden.



Once we shaped our salad bowl, it was time to start planting food, and habitat.  Seed balls made of clay and compost and impregnated with vegetable seeds, combined with, some favorite native perennials, potatoes, asparagus roots, some lettuce greens plugs and herb starts made the planting menu for the afternoon.  We planted more then enough plants to rapidly fill the space in with the idea in mind that the more we packed into the garden, the sooner we would be able to harvest.  This is the garden technique that I call “living mulch”.  I find that my gardens grow much more quickly if I get enough plants in the ground to cover the earth and quickly shade the garden soils.  Just like any forest, prairie, or wet-land, the earth should be completely covered with plants in order to retain the most moisture possible and quickly penetrate the ground with roots from a wide variety of plants that will nourish and support each others growth.

Experience in the salad bowl garden leaves me able to attest that cabbage, collards, and kale grow much more quickly in the lowest most moisture rich parts of the garden, but if you ask the birds and butterflies, I’d bet they’d tell you how fast the Blue Indigo and Butterfly Weed grow in those low spots as well.  I’ve already seen great results in this garden from combining native perennial plants with my food crop plants.  The native perennials drive roots down that pull moisture up from below the surface to help feed and nourish the food crop plants growing around them.  At the same time the shallow rooted food crops grab up the available surface moisture and help pull it into the ground to feed the deeper-rooted perennials.  This is a win-win situation if ever there was, and an easy earth friendly way to increase your food yields at home.

In the three months since planting, this garden has yielded 10 pounds of potatoes, 5 large heads of cabbage, beautiful bunches of broccoli and cauliflower, and more lettuce, spinach, kale, and collard greens then I can shake a crouton at.  We’ve also been using thyme, cilantro, and rosemary from this bountiful salad bowl, and there’s more to come with tomatoes, onions, peppers, artichoke, and kohlrabi yet to ripen.  As if that weren’t enough reward, we get to watch butterflies and birds already making a happy home where unloving lawn grass once grew. My neighbors probably think I’m nuts, but I just love standing out in the rain to watch the water trickle down the drainpipe and into the new garden.   

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

"Are you doing any gardening this season?" This is often the first question out of my mouth when meeting someone new in the springtime. Far to often, I get a response that goes something like “I would but I live in an apartment”.

As an avid gardener who has himself lived in a few different apartment buildings, I’d like to once and for all dispel the myth that apartment dwelling folks can’t garden.

 Container gardens have always been an excellent way to bring the spirit reviving power of plants to folks who live surrounded by concrete. This month’s volume of The Seed is dedicated to bringing the garden to the gardener, as we showcase, the Giving Tree Gardens approach to container gardening.

Plant Profile: Aloe Vera

Aloe barbedancis

Why run to the drug store when you could heal your minor burns with the nearest house plant?  An aloe plant is a sheep in wolves clothing.  Though it looks tough on the outside, this african succulent has a soft, healing heart. 

Recorded human use of aloe vera dates back to the 16th century.

  Though it came originally form Africa, the cultivation of aloe long ago spread through China, Japan, Jamaica, Russia, and the Americas. Useful in healing small wounds, burns, and helpful in treating high blood glucose levels, the medicinal uses of this plant are still being discovered today.

This tropical cactus will grow with ease in a houseplant container.  Just give it a sandy potting mix and water once every two weeks.  One thing to consider with most house plants including aloe is letting them grow outside for the summer.  I'll transition all my houseplants to the porch or patio slowly so as not to sunburn the leaves that are used to growing indoors in low light conditions.  Aloe is especially sensitive to sunlight and if transitioned outside too soon it will easily burn.  I give mine one hour of direct morning light every day for a week, then I'll step it up by one hour each day week after week until it's fully ready to be outside all the time.  The growth and health that results from this patient process is well worth the bother.

I consider it a blessing worth working for to have a plant with such amazing healing powers growing nearby.


Planter boxes, pots, and container gardens come in as many shapes and sizes as humans can imagine.

Choose your favorite look and set a theme for your home or patio by using similarly styled containers throughout your space.

I love terra cotta for its simplicity and sleek lines. I use varying shaped terra cotta pots throughout my home to create a visual context and flow, like a melody for the eyes. 

 In order to add a little spice to the mix, I use different styles and types of containers in addition to the terra cotta throughout the house.

No matter what your style, make sure that the container you plant in has a hole on the bottom. Proper drainage is key to allowing soils to dry between waterings.

Any potting soil that stays constantly wet, will start to go rotten and develop unfriendly fungi. If the container that I’m using is exceptionally large, I’ll often use a plastic pot turned upside down at the bottom of my big container to take up some space, improve drainage, and make the planter lighter.


 Potting soil is the sustenance for our precious plants.

Like any fine food, potting soil is best made from scratch.

I find potting soils that include freshly composted materials never need to have any fertilizers added to them in order to keep plants happy and healthy.

When I need to make a batch of potting soil in a rush, I’ll use a blend of three ingredients in equal proportions, the first of which is farm-post available locally at Kern Landscaping in St. Paul. Then I’ll grab some pre bagged potting soil, and CoirBlock. The farm-post is an excellent source of plant food while the CoirBlock made from shredded coconut hulls can replace the use of habitat destroying peat-moss products. Together with the pre-bagged potting soils, this mix will provide a nutrient rich, water retaining, fluffy textured soil, which will provide for a full season of growth.DESIGN

Laying out the design of your planters and containers is a fun challenge that can be a source of enjoyment and learning year round. 

The easiest trick to making your planters stand out is to build in contrasting textures and colors. 

I’ll use spiked, ferny, and broad textured leaves all in the same container.  I love combining dark purple or red foliage with bright golden green flowers or leaves.  Repeat or reverse these contrasts in several pots throughout your home in order to bring out more of that sense of melody. Often I’ll choose a tall plant for the middle or back of a planter and then I’ll place shorter plants around the base of these.  Cascading or drooping plants blur and soften solid lines when used at the edge of planters.


Choosing great plants for your containers is as easy as choosing great plant stores to shop at.

  I grow everything from tropical palms and bananas to rosemary, kale, and sweet potatoes in my planters at home.

Have fun throughout the year and change some of your planters out seasonally.  Start with pansies and leafy greens in the spring then replace the pansies with heat tolerant annuals for the summer time.  As your leafy greens fade in the heat of the summer, change them out for herbs or funky tropical houseplants.  When the tropicals and annuals are threatened by frost switch them out for kale, pansies, and mums in the fall.  Follow up with a mix of evergreen boughs in the late fall for all winter long beauty.

Don’t be afraid to stuff your planters a little too full of annuals.  At the beginning of the growing season, I’ll use more plants then I’ll ultimately need and then thin them out as they grow.  This way I’ll have full planters for much more of the season then I otherwise would.

Call me impatient , but I think our northern growing season is too short to waste waiting around for our pots and planters to fill in.

Containers also present an excellent opportunity for northern gardeners to grow some otherwise not so hardy plants in our Midwestern back yards.  Friends of mine have grown zone 5 and 6 hardy

Japanese Maples

in large containers which they wheel into a garage for winter storage.  Bringing marginally hardy plants into a closed garage for the cold season is an excellent way of keeping lovely and delicate plants alive through our harsh winter.


I’m such a green thumb that I’d probably go a little nuts in the long Midwestern winter if I didn’t get to surround myself with houseplants.  In addition to your usual suspects of spider plants, pothos, aloe vera, and sword plant, I like to grow herbs, orchids, palms, tropical pines, and just about anything that will thrive indoors throughout the wintertime.  Some of my favorite houseplants have been handed down to me from family members, and friends such as a couple of Asiatic begonias gifted to me by a local business owner who hails from Cambodia.  Consider mixing two or more houseplants in the same container to create an intriguing blend.  I love the mix of my tall, spiked sword plant with some short round leaved sedum. 

Grow your own food, or raise a cash crop at home by setting up with a few grow lights from

Midwest Supplies

.  Many folks find they can raise fine herbal crops, or grow amazing tropical flowers inside through the long winter with a little help from some man-made sunshine.  I’ve seen Minnesota homes with tropical ginger and tomatoes growing inside in February.  This miracle of modern convenience isn’t for everyone, but if you have a very low light apartment, you may consider a grow light to help brighten your space.

No matter your living space, container gardening can help bring a full and verdant feeling to your home.  If you’ve been holding back your urge to garden because you’re landlord won’t let you rip out the lawn or parking lot, then wait no more.  Container gardens are one excellent way of greening up your urban environment.

Let Freedom Grow

Sharpen your shovels, and turn your compost pile, Spring Has Arrived! Nation wide, gardeners are busy preparing for the upcoming growing season, and from the look of things, this year will be a time of garden expansion throughout the land.

Even in this troubled market, seed sales are a boom industry raking in 20-30% gains over last year’s sales. Gardening is the new favored pastime of many a cash strapped American family. Presenting an example to the world, First Lady Michelle Obama’s even getting in on the action, as she put her strong arms to work digging a Victory Garden into the White House lawn!

This profuse blooming of garden interest is just what the world needs right now. The U.S.D.A. is about to release a new Plant Hardiness Map that details what anyone with a lick of sense has by now accepted as fact, the “inconvenient truth” that the earth’s climate is rapidly warming. Vegetable gardens and local composting efforts are two of the best ways for folks to work at home toward a healthier, happier planet.

Freedom from chemically grown, dangerous, over priced food, the freedom to enjoy the beauty and bounty of life on earth, and the freedom to live with respect for planetary ecology are all a part of my garden harvest. Together we can reclaim our planet and our lives from the carelessness of generations past, to give our children and grandchildren hope for a healthy life.

Seeds of Change

Economic news must be a little hard for the average C.E.O. to swallow these days, that is unless the C.E.O. in question is luck enough to be running a seed company.  As National Public Radio reported in February, Burpee Seeds, one of the nations largest distributer of vegetable seeds, claim that they expect seed sales to increase 20 to 30 percent this year alone, while organic seed sales will be up as much as 46%.  Cucumbers, snap peas, and tomato seeds are flying off store shelves.  Surely high food prices are at the base of this upsurge in demand.  If you haven’t hit the garden stores yet, then get off the computer and run to your favorite local nursery before the selection is “eaten” up.   Now is the time for Minnesota gardeners to get out and purchase their veggie seeds.


Buying seeds in the spring can be a lot like shopping for food on an empty stomach.  For any green starved winter weary Minnesota gardener the tendency to over shop for seeds in the spring is an easy trap.  Don’t worry though if you get home and find you’ve purchased enough seeds to fill the whole block, seeds save very well in the packs that they came in, or any other paper envelope.  Just keep them in a dry dark cupboard and check your supply before you head to the garden store next spring.

 Victory Through Freedom

When Michelle Obama flexes her strong arms, the world pay’s attention.  Recently the First Lady has used some of her political strength to help turn over a new leaf in American life.  Recently, Michelle Obama teamed up with a crew of D.C. area school kids to plant a victory garden in the White House lawn. Some of the seeds planted at the White House descended from plants cultivated by Thomas Jefferson, who saw himself as a farmer first and viewed an agrarian society as the creator and protector of democracy.  Freedom, democracy, and big juicy tomatoes are just a few of the rewards of the gardener’s life, hats off to Mrs. Obama for leading by example.

It’s Heating Up


The U.S.D.A. is about to tell us all what we already know.  It’s warming up around here.  While the findings haven’t been officially released yet, experts who helped to revise the Plant Hardiness Zone Map say that we can expect to see a sharp extension of plants northern ranges in this year’s map.  Gardeners everywhere use the Plant Hardiness Map to judge their plant selections.  When you turn over a garden store tag for your favorite tree, shrub, or perennial you should find a listing for zone hardiness.  Here in the Twin Cities area we’ve been officially listed in zone 4 since the zone map was first created, though any experienced city gardener can attest to the heat island effect that allows Minnesota urbanites to grow items such as zone 5 hardy Japanese Maples in our back yards.

While some local gardeners find short-term gains in plant selections, others may rightly be worried about long term troubles as local eco-systems are thrown out of balance by rising temperatures. According to a study published by the Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network, 22 years ago as many as 4,000 moose roamed the woods and grasslands in the northwestern part of the state. By 2003, the number had dropped to only 237. Scientists believe the culprit is higher temperatures sparked by global warming, making the moose more vulnerable to parasites.  The study goes on to say that average winter temperatures in northwestern Minnesota have climbed around 12 degrees during the past 40 years as average summer temperatures have increased by four degrees.

 Treat Garbage Like Dirt


Here’s a quote from BioCycle magazine, August 2008:

"The only effective method to prevent methane emissions from landfills is to stop biodegradable materials from entering landfills. The good news is that landfill alternatives such as composting are readily available and cost-effective. Compost has the added benefit of adding organic matter to soil, sequestering carbon, improving plant growth and reducing water use - all important to stabilizing the climate. Composting is thus vital to restoring the climate and our soils and should be front and center in a national strategy to protect the climate in the short term."

Now I’m not a scientist, so I’ll just have to trust the compost crazed folks at BioCycle when they say that composting will cut down on greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.  As a gardener though, I can surely attest to the notion that garbage is valuable.  I’d never seen results in my gardens from chemical fertilizers like I have from compost fertility.  Compost not only provides nutrients as any fertilizer should, but it also provides microbial life that lives symbiotically with garden plants, and an excellent soil texture for roots to easily and rapidly grow through.  If you start composting your own food and yard waste at home you’ll be doing yourself and the rest of the world a big favor.

Not all of us have space for a compost pile at home, and so the innovative folks at Linden Hills Power and Lighthave been working out a way to help make composting more accessible for everybody with their new “Green Tub Club” program.  Linden Hills residents can now sign up to have a green compost tub dropped off at their curbside.  Simply place your food and non-recyclable paper products into the green tub and put the tub out on your regular garbage day.  The city of Minneapolis will pick up the garbage and take it to a commercial composting facility.  This is an excellent example for the rest of the city, and with a little encouragement of your city council person, your neighborhood could be next.

Compost, and home vegetable gardens are two of the most effective methods that any home gardener can employ in the fight against global warming.  Without a planet to live on victory in the garden would be pointless.  Gardeners, let’s plant the seeds of freedom and change together, so we can all enjoy the fruits of our labor for generations to come!

A Farm in the City

Formerly a city garbage dump in the middle of a low-income San Francisco neighborhood, the site that St. Mary’s Urban Youth Farm now occupies and beautifies, was once a blight on the community. In the mid 1990’s neighbors along with local gardening activists organized to turn this wasted land into a community asset.


Cheerful and informative, Naomi Goodwin, director of St. Mary’s Urban Youth Farm was kind enough to talk with me about the goings on at the farm, and the story she told was one of transition.

Since 1995 when ground was broken on this garden, the space has served to improve the health and lives of the community. Despite recent funding shifts away from community gardening projects, area residents have continued to recognize and benefit from the farm’s bounty. Youth volunteers work alongside trained gardeners to produce food that is sold at discounted rates in local farmers markets. The young volunteers are trained in skills that they can utilize and market the rest of their lives, while the community receives the benefits of affordable locally grown organic produce.


Birds, butterflies, bees, and other local fauna find a home

in the native plants that hold the hillside in place, all the while compost bins overflow and the blades of the windmill turn lazily in the soft breeze. Walking into this garden was like seeing a dream come true. 


Several local organizations work with the land at St. Mary’s. While various groups of volunteers tend to the crops, others work to keep the beehives buzzing.

Naomi impressed me with her sense for the overall health of the space. “We have so many volunteer’s here that sometimes things get out of balance.” Naomi explained, “We used to get a lot more migratory birds stopping by the pond, but since more of our land has gone to food production, and less to native plants, the system is out of balance and we aren’t providing enough habitat to entice them here as much.”


The full vision for the space has not yet been realized. Physical changes such as adding a water pump to the windmill. Once the windmill is pumping, then water from Isle creek pond, which sits in the middle of the farm, can be used on the crops. Organizational shifts away from agency to agency competition for land use and towards a more collaborative approach are also needed before the farm functions to it’s highest potential.

Despite this room for improvement, St. Mary’s Urban Youth Farm is an example of excellence in landscaping. Transitioning this space from a dump to an urban farm has proven to be an enormous benefit to the community. Gardeners everywhere can learn from these neighbors good work, and those of us lucky enough to have our own little corner of the earth to shape, should heed the good example of the folks at St. Mary’s. Wherever we can we need to turn open urban space into an educational growing space, and a habitat for earthlings of all stripes.


In Minneapolis and St. Paul our yards and parks give us green space on nearly every block. I hope for all our sake that many more of us here at home begin to recognize our unique responsibility as citizens of these gorgeously green cities to preserve, and maintain the lush vibrancy of our home towns.

Healthy Yards, Healthy Lives

We need only look around us to see the world out of balance. We can see the air we breathe, as it’s laden with chemicals. We can taste bleach and metal in the water we drink. Our rivers and lakes are overgrown with invasive species and toxic run off. Our food travels thousands of miles in petroleum burning vehicles only to arrive to our dinner tables laced with carcinogens and bacterial diseases. These problems are only a drop of water next to the ocean of trouble this planet is facing. Enough Is Enough! It’s time we clean up our act!

In a time of need like this the world has only one place to turn. Gardeners, I’m talking to you! It’s time we put our heads and hearts together to keep this planet from self-destructing. 

Healthy Yards, Healthy Lives, 7 Steps for Growing Personal and Global Health in Your Own Back Yard!

Step 1: Capture Rain Water

Water is the source of life and that’s nowhere more apparent then the home garden.  Not only


are we letting this most valuable food production resource run away from us, but water rushing from streets to sewers to rivers causes pollution and aquatic ecosystem destruction!  We can’t afford to let our water go to waste any longer.   Rain gardens are one very clever way to capture the rainwater that falls on your property.  Planted with native species ready to survive and create a seasonal wetland, rain gardens not only hold and filter the rain they are also a source of habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, and more. So whether you just plop a rain barrel under your rain spout and water your tomatoes for free this summer, or you go all out and decide to install a rain garden, you’ll be doing yourself and the rest of the world a favor by placing a high value on that free falling food of life, rain water. 

Step 2:  Compost


We create mountains of garbage together daily!  Composting is one great way to cut down on the amount of garbage your hauling out to the curb.  Composting is easy, and beneficial.  The old proverb about one persons garbage being another persons treasure surely applies here.  Turning your kitchen and yard scraps into garden gold will bring abundance to your yard and cut down on your own personal contribution to Mt. Garbage!

Step 3:  Create Habitat


Those of us lucky enough to have a yard to work in are charged with the responsibility of choosing what plants will grow in this space.  Our decisions will either positively or negatively affect ourselves, and our fellow earthlings.  Growing green grass lawns in your yard will give no edible benefit to you or anyone else.  Instead of turf grass, try mixing your favorite edible plants with some pretty flowering annuals, native perennials, and fruit bearing trees and shrubs.  The birds will thank you for the trees and shrubs, the butterflies will thank you for the flowers and native perennials, and you will thank yourself for being so smart as to grow your own food in a beauty filled environment teeming with life.  Variety is truly the spice of life! The greater the diversity of plant species in your yard, the more beauty and health you will have at your fingertips.

Step 4: Source Responsibly

Think Globally, Act Locally!  This is your opportunity to turn this smart slogan into a reality.


When we purchase goods produced close to or in the communities that we live, we benefit ourselves and the rest of the world.  Think for a moment about the number of miles each food item you have has traveled to reach your kitchen shelves.  When you purchase food and goods produced close to home, you boost your local economy, while at the same time reducing the amount of gasoline burned in order to stock your shelves.   While your cutting back on fossil fuel consumption, you might as well cut out a few more petrochemicals used in food production and do your body good at the same time.  Organically grown foods are much more nutritious and better tasting then their chemically grown cousins.  

The closest to home that you can get is your own back yard. This step shows us that the more we give to our communities, the more benefits we share with the whole world.

 Step 5:  Harvest Responsibly

Now that you’ve got a garden full of goodies, you’ll want to make sure to not waste your bounty.  Drying, canning, freezing, tincturing, and fermenting are some of my favorite ways to store goods.  I


love this step because this is where I get to start giving out some of my homemade favorites.  Think about what goods you can produce for yourself and your community.  If you’ve got a cucumber vine that’s grown out of control, maybe you could be the pickle producer for your block that summer.  I like to plant berries and tomatoes close to the street and alley so folks walking by can grab a bite to eat.

Step 6:  Make It Beautiful


We can all learn from each others talents, and expressions, so we need to be willing to share our own.  When we make garden spaces that we ourselves enjoy, it’s pretty likely that at least some of our friends and neighbors will delight in them as well.  Creating an attractive home garden can be as simple as an annual flower patch, or as complex and integrated as a professional landscape design.  Your imagination is your only limit

Step 7:  Garden With Friends

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We can’t fix this whole place by ourselves, we’re gonna need a little help. Join a garden club, hook up with local youth gardening programs, talk with your neighbors and family, or just invite your friends over for a homegrown meal.  Connecting with others through gardening encourages a lifelong hobby that can grow community, family, health, and beauty.

Mile High Gardens

Wherever I travel I visit gardens. I’ve visited fancy Parisian topiary gardens, I drank coconut milk fresh from the machete sliced hull in tropical Jamaican gardens, I’ve admired the proud overflowing window boxes of cottages in the German alps, and I’ve wondered at the selections found in Costa Rican garden stores. It seems everywhere I go I can connect with the space and the people easily through my love of gardens and plants. In many of the gardens that I’ve visited I’ve found gardeners hard at work planting, preparing the soil, or maintaining their precious little piece of earth.

Gardeners seem to be an easy lot to connect with in general, and when I’m visiting with gardeners in places new to me, I just love asking folks about the local methods, climate, seasons, soils and plant selections. This month I had an opportunity to connect with gardeners in mile high, Denver Colorado as I visited the city and explored the famous Denver Botanic Gardens.

Lucky for myself, and anyone else Denver bound, the locals are a friendly and helpful lot. I found plenty of gardeners to chat with throughout Denver and enjoyed myself thoroughly walking through the amazing garden displays at the Denver Botanic Gardens, and visiting with the gardeners who shape them.

When talking with gardeners from other areas I’m always looking out for the similarities and differences between my gardens at home, and those that I’m learning about. The range of possibilities seems to expand when I learn what folks in different parts of the world are up to. Below is a little of what I learned while visiting the Denver Botanic Gardens.


Water is life.

Coming from the land of ten thousand lakes, the most striking contrast that is readily apparent when talking gardens with folks in Denver, is the focus on xeriscaping, or gardening with plants that require no irrigation or watering to survive.  I had guessed that this may be an emerging trend here as I noticed the billboards on my way from the airport exclaiming, Denver Water, Use Only What You Need!  When you compare Denver’s average annual rainfall of almost 16 inches, to the nearly 30 inches that fall every year in Minneapolis it becomes easy to see why xeriscaping is so much more prominent in Denver.  The Denver Botanic Gardens offered excellent examples of this style of gardening implemented to varying degrees, from alpine gardens and dryland mesa that required no additional watering to the slightly more lush, plains gardens.


These high altitude gardens were filled with plants that were unfamiliar to this river valley gardener.  I found several types of agave, many different species of grass that I’d not seen before, cactus that grew in forms both strange and elegant, and giant wisened yucca plants with foliage as sharp as the mountain sun.


Perhaps the most striking thing I learned about the water in Denver is that it is against the law for citizens of Denver to collect their rainwater.  While I was assured that many of the gardeners here stealthily collect rainwater in their back yards, no one that I talked with about it could offer any explanation as to why gathering rainwater was made illegal here in Denver.  I can easily imagine city hall being overrun with angry shovel and hoe wielding protesters if politicians in Minneapolis officialdom tried to interfere in such a way with our water gathering ways.

Garden Highlights

Plants are but one form of media used to decorate a garden.  Visiting the Denver Botanic Gardens I was reminded of the fact that a gardeners pallet is limited only by their imagination.  Land forms, sculptures, boulders, pathways made of various materials, and even paintings were found decorating these showy gardens.  I was fortunate enough to visit during an ongoing exhibition titled Urban Nature, which highlights the paintings of various urban artists juxtaposed with the verdant growth of the gardens.  Some of the paintings seemed to take on extra meaning due to their placement.  In one particularly striking contrast an image of a sleeping woman painted to look as though light was being reflected off a body of water and onto her is placed behind a dry border of bristle cone pine.  Seeing such a flowing, lovely image displayed in this harsh context reminded me that the horrible and the beautiful of this world are two sides of the same coin, inextricably linked.

Inside and Out


No visit to Denver’s botanical gardens could be complete with out a visit to the tropical conservatory.  The 300 days a year of sunshine found in the mile high city provide ample light to fill this conservatory with verdant growth.  Walking into this room, I suddenly found myself surrounded by the jungle.  I wasn’t too surprised to see chubby gold and white koi swimming through the stream inside the conservatory, but when a green gecko popped his head out in front of me, I began to hope there weren’t any snakes eyeing me hungrily from the treetops.  The little gecko seemed to be just as surprised to find me wandering through his jungle home and he wasted no time scampering off.  The building housing the conservatory was home to several other features of the Denver Botanic Gardens, including an impressive and very misty cloud forest room, a newly installed rooftop garden, and an amazing library stocked with thousands of books dealing with botany, gardening, landscape, and horticulture.  I even heard from more then one source that the botanic garden is planning a green wall on this same building.

So Many Gardens, So Little Time


Visiting the Denver Botanic Gardens turned me into the proverbial kid in the candy shop.  To be sure, my eyes twinkled at the beauty I found, and I was completely overwhelmed trying to take it all in.  I can say with certainty that any future trip to Denver for me will include a lengthy visit to these botanic gardens.  Finding this oasis of garden pleasure in the middle of the city was as pleasant a surprise as I could’ve asked for while traveling.  Seeing the new and different combined so readily with what’s familiar, and finding the folks of this town so easy to talk with showed me that though I don’t live here, in some ways Denver is my home.

Beneficial Organisms

No Plant is an Island

The garden is a truly magical place. For every gift of the garden that we can see, taste, or feel there’s a million hidden gifts that we may never be able to perceive except in our imaginations. Imagine the micro-cosmic universe of the soil. Tiny soil fungi called Mycorrhizae live partially in the soil, and partially in the root hairs of the plants. These soil fungi aren’t free loaders though as they live symbiotically feeding and watering the plant roots in return for carbohydrates given by the grateful host. These fascinating fungi are only the final step in a process of turning nitrogen in our atmosphere into nitrates that our garden plants can easily absorb to help them grow. This nitrogen fixing process is a story involving a host of characters from the friendly mycorrhizae, to the soil detrivores like worms and millipedes, to the nitrogen fixing roots of legumes like beans and peas. This incredible, complex tale of converting nitrogen in the air into food for the creatures of this planet is just one of the hidden, magical stories our gardens can tell if only we learn to listen.

I’ve heard it said that all of the problems on earth could be solved in the garden. Yep… I think that’s pretty well put. I see that much magic and potential in gardens, but I also believe that the inverse is equally true. Most of the problems in the garden can be solved by looking to the earth. After all the beauty of a garden is but a small reflection of the magic of the whole earth. In this newsletter we’ll explore a few of the magic solutions that wise old Mother Earth has presented for all gardeners to learn from.

Lady Bugs


Ever so lovely and helpful in the garden is the friendly little ladybug.  To the ladybug a garden infested with aphids, mealybugs, leafhoppers, or other similar leaf chewing and sucking bugs is a buffet of sweet delight.  These little ladies seem to love eating what we hate seeing.  Find ladybugs and other beneficial organisms at your local organic gardening store.  Ladybugs can be kept in a mesh bag in the fridge for up to a couple of weeks.  I take them out of the fridge and give them water every couple of days, but I don’t give them any water for one day prior to release.   You’ll want to release the bugs in the evening after rain or a quick garden watering.  One way to keep them from flying off right away is to spray their wings with a little diluted sugar water.  This makes their wings sticky for a few days, but causes no lasting harm.  Be careful to release them at a rate of about one per square foot, as these little spotted beauties are quite territorial about their garden space.

Praying Mantis

Now this is one bug that strikes the imagination.  If I was the size of an aphid I’d think this thing was Godzilla.  Praying Mantis are exclusively carnivorous.  These bugs pray on aphids, wasps, flies, and other common garden pests.  Mantises  are sold in brown walnut sized egg cases, usually containing 50 to 400 eggs per case.  These cases will hatch out after about 4 days of consistently seventy degree heat.  If the night time temps outside are falling below the seventies then hatch them in a jar or container with air holes on top of the fridge.  Watch the egg cases very closely when you hatch them indoors because the baby bugs will be so small that they’ll fit through any containers air holes.  Place them right in the garden as soon as they hatch and they’ll find their way to your buggy buffet.

 Beneficial Nematodes

You may want to set your salad down for this one.  Nematodes are one of our most tricky garden defenders.  These microscopic creatures can actually eat aphids from the inside out.  If applied to the soil these creatures will wait for pupating garden pests to come along.  Once they’ve found their host the nematodes just crawl on inside them and begin wreaking havoc and making babies (I had neighbors like this once).  Sold in damp sponges sealed in plastic these tiny terrors are completely safe for humans, and other garden visitors.  Keep the sponge in the fridge until you’re ready to use them.  Once you’re ready just put the little nematode laden sponge in a gallon of water and squeeze it out.  Apply the nematode water to the garden with a hose end mixer / sprayer set at about six tablespoons per gallon, then sit back and imagine the gruesome fate about to befall your garden pests.



We’ve worked our way through progressively more aggressive, nasty seeming beneficial organisms, to end up with a very friendly garden helper.  This beneficial garden fungus is literally what ties the plants to the soil.  Mycorrhizea work themselves into the roots of plants and thereby increase the plants capacity for getting at soil moisture while the plants send the mychorrhizae plenty of carbohydrates to keep them going.  These plant boosters are sold pre packaged in many garden stores, and on line, but you can make your own at home just by composting.  That’s right, compost is full of mycorrhizae ready to live in harmony with your garden plants.  Just like any natural environment, leaves fall to the ground and are decomposed into plant foods containing a variety of beneficial organisms including mycorrhizae.  Natures model is truly the best here as decomposing leaves and garden waste will add beneficial organisms to your garden soil just like it would in any prairie, meadow, or forest.  The biggest threat to the health of beneficial organisms in your soil are commonly sold garden chemicals.  All of the pesticides and chemical fertilizers alike have the same effect of killing off beneficial organisms in order to make your garden reliant on the costly voodoo of chemical companies instead of the free magic of mother nature.  So set the spray bottle down, and take a moment to listen to your gardens stories, you just might learn something magical.

A Season to Begin Again

Long chill spring times like this one afford gardeners plenty of time to split and divide perennials. Some folks take advantage of the extra cool weather, using this time to re-vamp tired soils in existing garden beds. I’ve already consulted this season with quite a few folks who just wish to make their current garden beds look a little more healthy, vibrant, diverse, and full. I’ve been telling these folks it must be their lucky year.

In years like this we have plenty of time to lift out the newly emerging perennial plants, re-work the garden soils where they came from with a healthy amount of compost, and replant the original plants together with some exciting new selections. In past extended cool seasons I’ve had impressive results from this very practice.


A friend went through this process a few years back and he referred to the farm-compost that we worked into his soil as “super-poo” by the end of the growing season. I always tell folks the same thing, once the bed is empty of plants or grass, just turn in 6 inches of compost with a shovel or garden fork, leaving large chunks of existing soil where it’s possible. Once the soil and compost is turned together use a couple more inches of compost as a mulch layer. Plant, water, and Stand Back!


Transplanting existing iris, coneflower, sedum, and a host of other perennials in this manner leads to such abundance that you may just have to back up after you water in your new gardens so you’re not shoved aside by the rapid growth! If your replacing sod and you haven’t got any transplants to fill the space then starting with baby plants in a temperate season like this is also an excellent idea, as the cool weather helps reduce the shock of transplanting seedlings or starter plants. In the St. Paul yard show to the left you can see how we’ve reworked the soil, and replaced the struggling sod with a garden of baby plants that are already showing signs they’re enjoying their new home.


As this garden fills in the roots will penetrate the earth sending water deeper then grass could ever thereby feeding the trees in the yard and the water tables below. The diversity of plant life in this garden will be a home to birds, bees, butterflies, and a menagerie of other native wildlife, yet another task that a sod lawn could never perform. It may just be this gardener’s opinion, but the new garden should surely be more delightful for the passing neighbors then even a perfectly healthy grass lawn could ever be.


We’ll be sure to check back in with this young garden later in the season to see what our fresh start has produced. Sometimes in life we wish we could just start over. If your compost bin is half empty then maybe you’ll be thinking how much work all this sounds like, but if your compost bin is half full then maybe you’ll see how lucky we are to be given the rare opportunity to begin again.

Waking Up With Spring

My first act of gardening this spring was to prune an apple tree. Late in the month of March before the snow and slush made it’s last hurrah, I visited my friend Valerie’s back yard to get her apple tree cleaned up in time for the growing season. Valerie and I paced back and forth around the tree spying branches to cut back. We worked for about a half hour to remove any branches that were rubbing each other, as well as any branches that were crisscrossing the canopy of the tree, or too tall for us to reach with a ladder. By the time we were done the tree had a shape that could be likened to a wine glass, which should make the fruits on this producing creature even more accessible for Valerie and her grandkids.


Even before this early gardening trip, I was noticing the first signs of spring pushing out of the gardens, yards, and parks in the city. Plantings along the South sides of buildings are among the first to wake up in the urban environment. After that comes the forming maple buds that mark the clear blue sky with thousands of tiny red and yellow dots, and with them a flurry of winged activity in the tree tops. Vibrant male cardinals, as loud visually as they are vocally are easy to pick out on the bare branches of neighborhood trees. Mallard ducks can be seen flying overhead in pairs throughout the day. The colorful world seems to be stretching and yawning, waking itself from the long white dream called winter.


Now that the snow is gone, I’ve been a busy gardener. It feels therapeutic to peel back the layer of hay that protected the plants from the drying winter air, winds, and sun. This layer of winter mulch caught all the garbage, salt, and leaves that was thrown or blew on it throughout the cold months. As I pull off the spent dirty hay to bring it to compost I think of how it can be helpful for all kinds of creatures, to peel off the protective layers that they build around themselves in this stressful world. The farm compost that I layer on top of the freshly raked gardens dress them up just as much as it promises to re-invigorate their soils for another season of growth. I love a good metaphor and there’s nothing like spreading a healthy layer of shit around a garden to remind me that if we allow it to compost and change, all the shit that we create together will eventually settle in to make us healthier and stronger then before we made it. At least I really hope this concept applies to gardeners as much as to gardens.


While I’ve been out in the backyard or over at the Co-op gardening I've had plenty of breaks in the raking and shoveling due to all the folks that stop by to visit. You’ll get no complaints from me about these welcome interruptions. Talking with passing friends and neighbors I can see moments of vibrancy that remind me of the cardinals and maple buds in the tree tops. Like the bulbs and perennials slowly pushing out of the ground until you can hardly even imagine a world where they didn’t cast a proud shadow, the folks in this city emerge in the spring warmth from beneath thick winter layers to show the world their own vibrant colors.